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Propunerile lunii Noiembrie 2009

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Luna noiembrie a inregistrat o crestere a numarului celor care urmaresc propunerile mele de link-uri prin intermediul platformei Twitter de la 253  la 284.

Pentru a primi “in timp real” propunerile mele de articole, va puteti abona la contul meu de Twitter dand ‘Follow’.

Nu uitati de celalalt cont de Twitter, unde puteti  afla in timp real despre noile articole din Milionar, la @articoleMMDati-i Follow!

Iata propunerile pe noiembrie:

Finante personale

How to Earn Passive Income Online?

Passive Income: What is Passive Income an How it Works?

„Behavioral Economics: This Is Your Brain On Money ”

„Uneori oamenii bogati chiar sunt mai buni”

„Cum poti sa nu mai platesti creditul si sa scapi”

Dezvoltare personala

„How to Become More Intelligent”

„11 Ways to Stay Positive in a Bad Economy”

„The Benefits of Pissing People Off”

„Property Ownership”

Afaceri & Investitii

„20 of the Best Resources to Get Your Startup Off the Ground” via@GuyKawasaki

„6,795,850,072 Reasons Why You Can Make A Successful Living Online”

„Ce putem invata din esecuri”

„New Study Finds Investment Strategy is in the Genes”

„Personal finance mistakes that first time entrepreneurs must avoid”

„How To Test Your Online Product Before It’s Even Made – Part 1 | Making Sure a Market Exists”


” Pia?a imobiliar? .ro”


„100 Amazing How-To Sites to Teach Yourself Anything” via @tonnyrobbins

„25 Beautiful Macro Photography Shots” via

„10 Amazing Abandoned Bank Vaults”


„How I Use Email Newsletters to Drive Traffic and Make Money”

„How I Diversify My Site and Income”

„The Blogger’s Guide to Facebook”
