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Propunerile lunii decembrie 2009

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Iata propunerile pe decembrie:

Dezvoltare personala & altele

Recomandare(time management)”How to Get 25 Hours in a Day”

Recomandare de Anul Nou (time management):”Best New Year’s Resolution?A ‘stop doing’ list”

Recomandare(dezvoltare personala)”Esti o oaie creata”

Recomandare(personal branding)”9 Action Items to Navigate the Coming Decade of 10% Unemployment”

Recomandare(relatii&finante personale)”7 Money Personalities to Avoid Dating” (dedicatie pentru @novacovici

Recomandare(psihologie):”How Other People’s Unspoken Expectations Control Us”

Recomandare(dezvoltare personala)”Lessons Learned from Oprah Winfrey”


Recomandare (economie):”România 1989-2009: infla?ie, hiperinfla?ie, desinfla?ie, refla?ie ?i stagfla?ie”

Finante personale

Recomandare(finante personale)”Changing shopping behavior is tough”

Finante personale &relatii (dedicatie pentru @novacovici)”Money And Relationships”

Finante personale:”10 Ways to Prepare Financially If You Suspect You’ll Be Laid Off ”

Recomandare(finante personale):”73 Must Read Personal Finance Posts of 2009″

Blippy si finantele personale „Bllipy lanuches the Twitter of personal finance ”

Finante personale:”Personal Finance for Women”

Finante personale:”2009 personal finance lessons from the rich and (in)famous”

Recomandare(finante personale)”Single parents and money matters”


Recomandare(blogging):”6 Lessons I Learned in Two Years of Blogging”

Recomandare(vanzari online):”$72,000 in E-Books in a Week – 8 Lessons I Learned”


Life style: 9 Places Where You Can Retire and Live Like a King

Recomandare(online shopping)”The latest online shopping scam „




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